A current, commonly raised topic coming through from the profession is the increased time pressures those in practice are facing, particularly around consultations. When asked what the biggest stressors are in practice, time pressures are often the number one answer. Whilst this has always been a key pressure in practice, in many cases time constraints have been intensified by additional or increased factors.
Read moreThe launch of our NEW ‘The Confident Vet Nurse’ programme has got us thinking about confidence, specifically what it is and how we develop it. After mulling this over some more, it appeared many of our thoughts link back to leadership, whether that’s self-leadership or leading others. All too often nurses find themselves navigating a journey of development where they find themselves in leadership roles having little opportunity for training or development of the skills required to be a great leader. Here are a few top tips to help you build your leadership toolkit from the ground up...
Read moreRecently, more than ever, veterinary teams have had to work under additional and uncharted pressures, and working under these increased or extended periods of stress can have a negative impact on the culture and environment you work in – if you let it. Culture naturally evolves and changes and so it is something which needs to be monitored and fine-tuned on a regular basis. Many factors contribute towards culture, and achieving one of proactivity, positivity and teamwork, and one which nurtures a no-blame culture, can be crucial to an efficient, effective practice.
Read moreTalk of the power of a positive mindset is common, and there is in fact ample evidence to support the affect positive thinking can have on our physical health, our mental well-being and our performance. Moving from a negative bias to a positive mindset is proven to have significant mental and physical health benefits whilst increasing our ability to overcome challenges.
Read more“Change is inevitable, growth is optional.” John C Maxwell When dealing with changes that we fear or dislike, we first need to recognise this response, and what’s driving it, in order to allow clear decision making. The first step to making change feel more comfortable is to choose a positive, resourceful mindset.
Read moreThis article is part of our Balance series, in conjunction with VetRecord, aimed at improving the efficiency and wellbeing of vets. Mistakes in practice can really have a negative impact on wellbeing. An error can prey on the mind, turning supposed relaxation time into rumination time. Here, Catherine Oxtoby offers a method of dealing with errors in a more productive and healthier way.
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