This article is part of our Balance series, in conjunction with VetRecord, aimed at improving the efficiency and wellbeing of vets. Finding sources of inspiration and energy is an important part of maintaining wellbeing during a busy working life. Carolyne Crowe shares reflections on the people, hobbies and processes that serve that function for her.
Read moreBack on Feb 7th, Time to Talk Day, we came together as a profession to have a conversation about mental health. Here are some of our key reflections on how we can keep up the conversation about mental health.
Read moreEbony Escalona shares her thoughts on finding fulfilment at work
Read moreThis article is part of our Balance series, in conjunction with VetRecord, aimed at improving the efficiency and wellbeing of vets. Confidence can be a fickle friend, waxing and waning as your career changes and life evolves. Here Ebony Escalona describes how best to deal with the periods when it deserts you.
Read moreThis article is part of our Balance series, in conjunction with VetRecord, aimed at improving the efficiency and wellbeing of vets. Ever found yourself convinced you’re a fraud, on the brink of being exposed as having fluked your way through your veterinary career? Imposter syndrome is a common phenomenon but, as Penny Barker explains, there are ways to fight back.
Read moreFollowing Matthew Syed's keynote address about growth and fixed mindset and a “just culture” at the recent BSAVA Congress, we look at how the veterinary profession can grow and learn from our mistakes.
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